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Media rights holder and editor

Fachhochschule des BFI Wien Ges.m.b.H., Wohlmutstraße 22, 1020 Wien, Tel: +43/1/720 12 86, Fax: +43/1/720 12 86-19,,, FN 148597 a, Handelsgericht Wien, DVR 0870722

Management Board

Eva Schiessl-Foggensteiner, Managing Director, Head of Division International and Executives

Johanna Pirkfellner, Authorised Representative (Prokuristin), Head of Public Relations

Supervisory Board

Franz Josef Lackinger, Head of Supervisory Board

Melitta Aschauer-Nagl, Deputy Head of Supervisory Board

Silvia Angelo

Thomas Kreiml

Thomas Rasch

Josef Trawoeger

Sole Shareholder

The bfi Vienna (Berufsförderungsinstitut Wien / Vocational Training Institute Vienna) is the sole shareholder of the FH BFI Vienna.

Supervisory Body

Pursuant to the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (Austrian Fachhochschulstudiengangsgesetz) the Austrian FH Council is the supervisory body.

Statement of Purpose

The FH BFI Vienna offers full-time and part-time degree courses as well as postgraduate courses, aiming at training highly qualified graduates.

Basic Purpose of the Website

Web presence in order to inform about the project “Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova” (REFINE). The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Responsible for contents and editing

Johannes Wetzinger, Tel: +43/1/720 12 86-967,


FH BFI Vienna, Technical University of Kosice (TUKE), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), University Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE), Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU), Gavar State University (GSU), Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (AESM), Moldova State University (MSU), Comrat State University (KDU).


The FH BFI Vienna aims for an up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive web presence. Mistakes cannot, however, be ruled out completely. The FH BFI Vienna thus cannot guarantee the validity, accuracy and complete character of the information provided. We also do not claim responsibility for the information provided by links on our homepage; their contents are not adopted as our own. This declaration applies to all links you can find on our website.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.