On the 12th of December 2017 at the Russian-Armenian University (RAU) a local working meeting of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building project “Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova” (REFINE) took place. During this meeting the milestones of all work packages were presented. Moreover, the aims, tasks and the organization of work package 6 on “Quality Assurance” (for which RAU is responsible) were presented.
As a result, the project team has discussed and established the working plan for the duration of the REFINE project and the main stages of its development.
The project team of RAU comprises of Dr., prof. E. Sandoyan, Ph.D., assoc.prof. M. Voskanyan, Ph.D. student A. Galstyan, Ph.D. student I. Stepanyan and the Head of the Department of International Cooperation S. Shamakhyan.