Two dissemination workshops will be held in Armenia

REFINE project is currently on its way of a smooth implementation and most of the project activities have already been accomplished. Before starting the 3rd year of the project, 2 dissemination workshops will be held in Armenia to inform stakeholders about the project and its achieved results:

1. in Yerevan (ASUE with RAU) – September 18, 2019 (agenda),
2. in Gavar (GSU) – September 19, 2019 (agenda).

Representatives of Armenian HEIs will share their experience in integrating new contents, teaching methodologies and labour market demand into their MA programmes in Finance. The results of WP3 (Course Development) and WP4 (Intensive Training Courses for UniversityTeachers) will be also shared with the local stakeholders.

The National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia and EU representatives from the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna and the Technical University of Kosice will also take part. Besides them, the Associated Partners from Armenia will be present as well and will share their perspectives and lessons learned.

All the interested parties are invited to participate in the workshop. For more information please contact the International relations division of ASUE via the following email: or phone number: +37410593484.