Local dissemination workshops in Armenia (WP7)

Two dissemination workshops were held in Yerevan (ASUE with RAU) – Sep 18, 2019 (agenda) and in Gavar (GSU) – Sep 19, 2019 (agenda) to inform the project’s stakeholders about its achieved results during two years of the project implementation.

EU representatives from the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna and the Technical University of Kosice presented the short introductions of each work package and the representatives of Armenian HEIs shared their experience in integrating new contents, teaching methodologies and labour market demand into their MA programmes in Finance. The results of WP3 (Course Development) and WP4 (Intensive Training Courses for University Teachers) were also shared with the local stakeholders.

Moreover, the representatives of National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia and the Associated Partners from Armenia were present and shared their perspectives.

The next local dissemination workshops are going to be held in Moldova in November.