REFINE Project Representatives at CBHE-Project Representatives Meeting in Brussels

On the 29th and 30th of January, 2018, the EACEA has organized the Kick-off meeting for newly selected Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) projects in Brussels (Belgium). The REFINE project was represented by Johannes Wetzinger (UAS-BFI) as the coordinator of REFINE project and by Margarit Marukyan (ASUE) as a partner country representative. The coordinators of 149 CBHE projects, funded under the 2017 call, were present at the meeting.

The CBHE-Project Representative’s Meeting aimed at illustrating issues on contractual and financial management of the projects and provided an excellent opportunity for networking among projects. In plenary sessions, EACEA staff introduced the results and future perspectives of CBHE projects. Then separate sessions for financial management and contractual management were organized. Moreover, project representatives had an opportunity to discuss practical questions on the project implementation with their Project Officer. Project activities, expected results and upcoming monitoring visits were discussed during the meeting with National Erasmus Plus (NEO) representatives of Armenia and Moldova.